What You Need To Know About Buying A Foreclosure
In general, mortgage companies start foreclosure processes about 3-6 months after the first missed mortgage payment. You can minimize how stressful and disruptive the process is by staying informed and planning accordingly. Homes in the auction stage of foreclosure are particularly attractive to seasoned investors because they often present the best opportunity to acquire property at a significant discount.
The following web browsers are recommended when using the online auction site: Internet Explorer version 7.0 or later, Mozilla Firefox version 3.0 or later and Google Chrome version 17 or later. Law requires that the notice be sent at least 30 days before the date of the proposed foreclosure sale.
Be forewarned that accuracy is essential to the process and there is considerable detail involved. Click on the Current Sale tab to view the list of properties scheduled for the next tax sale. Both mortgage possession/repossession and foreclosure are quite similar, …