How to prepare a resume?

It’s no secret that a well-written resume is a guaranteed ticket to the job interview. In addition, this document is a business card of the specialist, thanks to which the first acquaintance of the employer with the applicant can immediately turn into an offer of employment.

Therefore, successful job seekers devote as much time as necessary to compiling a resume. Arguments about the importance of such a document, in today’s electronic and high-speed world, are simply irrelevant.

Reconcile salary with the market

You don’t have to put your desired salary on your resume, but if you do, employers won’t come at you with inappropriate offers. Universal advice: write an amount 15-20% higher than what you make now. This will give you an opportunity to bargain without compromising your own interests.

The exception is the resumes of top managers. Executive salaries are calculated differently from company to company, so specific expectations can scare off employers.

A resume is not a date

Imagine this: when you’re applying for a job, you may feel like you’re on a date – the other person is looking at you carefully and wants to get into your life story.

In reality, the recruiter has 300 responses to a job in his inbox, and he has to filter out those who fit the formal requirements as quickly as possible. This is clearly not a date. The recruiter doesn’t have time to figure out that even though you have no experience, you are very talented.

The resume is the entrance ticket to the employer’s company. At the first stage it gets to the recruiters, who check the written text with the requirements of the job. Therefore, without studying the requirements, you risk being rejected right away and not getting to the interview.


Design. Forget about decorative elements, colorful graphics and beautiful epithets. Make your resume as a dry, structured text. If you need to show involvement in a complex project or technology, you can add a graph or a scheme for clarity. But it is better to do everything in text.

Why? Because the recruiter has 300-500 resumes to filter. He doesn’t have time to sort out the beauty, he needs a clear, structured pitch with no extras.

Photo. You don’t have to attach a photo to your resume (unless it’s explicitly stated in the job posting). If the employer asks, take a light, business-style photo that clearly shows your face. Leave the photos with friends and kebabs for the home archives. You will be surprised how many of them you see on your resume.

You will always find a response to the request “fix my resume” at Resumegets. They can not only check your resume, but also write it from scratch.