
Non-ad valorem assessments are based on the improvement or service cost for a property (example: solid waste, and fire rescue), and are levied on a benefit unit basis, rather than on value. The Department of Business and Professional Regulation wants to make the test tough enough that they know that the applicant knows the laws of the state of Florida. Another helpful Florida property investment caveat is that local Florida law prohibits passive real estate investments.

What the team is known for A broad real estate practice with expertise covering the full range of matters including financing, leasing, acquisitions and development. If you have already passed your Florida Real Estate Commission Course 1, you need to pass the Florida real estate exam before you can get your Florida real estate license.

Kevin Dickenson is a realtor who specializes in residential and commercial real estate from Palm Beach to South Beach. Search for a home owner who has an unwanted property (inherited, awarded in a divorce or out of state) or is facing financial hardship and wants out of a property to save there credit.

Every great real estate professional has the heart of a salesperson – and the persuasive skills to match. Testing centers throughout the state proctor the exam; usually the school provides you with a list, and you call the nearest center directly to schedule a date and time.

One thing these students do know is how tough the Florida real estate exam is. They know because all of them have failed it at least once at $31.50 per try before they started looking for me. You could take the one hundred question practice test that is on Climer School of Real Estate’s website at This is free.

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