Get Some Help With Your FSBO

FSBO home or For Sale by Owner means of selling your home without the interference of a real estate broker or real estate agent. If the property does not appraise for the sale price, the buyer will either have to go out-of-pocket for the difference (as noted by Ardell) or buyer will forfeit the earnest money. These are just a few of the many safety related issues that I use to find in homes.

Consequently, many are now actively marketing their homes using HERS Index scores to advertise potential savings that homebuyers could enjoy when purchasing a high energy performance home. As a for sale by owner company, we have the flexibility to meet all your financing needs through our owner financing and layaway programs.

Some laws are universal and will apply to the sale of your home no matter where you live. To view a list of real estate agents that offer properties for sale visit our Real Estate Agents page. Non-traditional home types, such as mobile homes, manufactured homes and modular homes, may be listed as FSBO.

We make buying a house easy, with a straight forward approach that gets you just what you need with easy owner financing and no credit needed. There is nothing more annoying, or more frustrating, than an owner who attempts to show off obvious aspects of a home to a potential buyer.

A Realtor has access to market data about recent sales and other homes on the market that can be used to price your home appropriately. The prices of real estate in some parts of Florida are some of the most expensive you can find, especially for median income families.