Find A Qualified Electrical Contractor National Electrical Contractors Association Washington DC

Outside” or line” contractors are responsible for high-voltage power transmission and distribution lines. Pursuant to Section 436B-14.5, HRS , any license held by a member of the armed forces, National Guard, or a reserve component that expires, is forfeited, or deemed delinquent while the member is on active duty and deployed during a state or national crisis shall be restored if certain restoration requirements are met.

The definition of contractor is found in the statute at T.C.A. § 62-6-102 and covers a very broad area, which includes construction, installation, movement, repair, etc. If you cannot find a contractor in your area, please contact us and we will try to connect you with a local contractor.

NRS 624.3015 Acting beyond scope of license; bidding on work in excess of limit or beyond scope of license; contracting with unlicensed contractor; constructing or repairing mobile home, manufactured home, manufactured building or commercial coach or factory-built housing; engaging in work that requires license while license is inactive.

The General Contractor is also responsible for the quality of all work performed by any and all subcontractors. Start with design/architecture and then let the contractor execute the plans you’ve drawn up. This Service Contractor Contract is governed and construed under law of Thailand.Contractor

If you know of a contractor doing construction work in Iowa who is not registered, you may file a complaint with the Iowa Division of Labor at the address below or by e-mail: contractor.registration@ Your complaint need not be in a specific format but should include the following information: Name of contractor, address, city, state, zip, phone number, address where last work performed, address where working currently.

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