Advice for buyers and sellers

Milestones are not always easy. It begins with needing to move out of our parents’ house, to renting an apartment and finally hopefully buying our first home. Some people end up spending the rest of their lives there while other sell and move elsewhere. Either way, this entire process can be somewhat intimidating if you don’t have all the information. We’re here to try and help. With these three things in mind, it ought to shed more light and make the process that less stressful.

Ask for help

This piece of advice is mainly for lone rangers that prefer to do things alone. If you have a partner, ask them to assist you in the process. That could be when looking for a moving company, a home insurance policy, a realtor, or even what fixtures to change in the home. It makes the process easier and faster when you include likeminded individuals who have your best interest at heart. The best persons to ask would perhaps be your parents or friends and colleagues who have gone through the same process. They don’t have to show up physically to lend a helping hand; advice is just as good. They will guide you on what pitfalls to avoid and perhaps even provide some helpful contacts.


Depending on whether you’re buying or selling, you need to know the housing market. Don’t only take one person’s word for it. There are various news sources and credible housing websites that can provide you real time and relevant information that can potentially affect the decision that you make. It also allows you to plan for the future especially with regards to how much a house ought to cost. Research equally applies when looking for each person or company to make a purchase or a sale successful. Remember that this includes a bank and a real estate agent

Note: Buying or selling is home are huge decisions and they deserving the same seriousness.

Keep your cool                                                                                                                   

The chances are that you will be frustrated and let down more than once. It is commendable that you’re able to maintain a standard, but working with different entities and personality can make the process tiresome and murky. A seller might refuse to bring down the price despite apparent problems, or a buyer may be picky to a fault and back out before the closing of the deal. Knowing that this process is not a walk in the park makes it easier to keep calm in the face of inconveniences, leaving your mind clear to make the right decision.

Wrap up

The more you know, the less intimidating purchasing or selling your home becomes. Remember to ask for help, do your research and keep calm during stressful times


Real estate

Buying a home

Selling a home