3 Methods for Fixing Broken Plastic Items

Invented in 1907, plastic is a material that has flooded industries and homes. Its versatility, lightness, durability and affordable manufacturing cost make it perfect for many products. Therefore, it can be found in every aspect of life, including toys, food packaging, beverages, automobiles and more. Unfortunately, its convenience has led to such excess usage that humans have been left with a growing tide of non-biodegradable plastic waste that poses a severe threat to the environment. In order to avoid contributing to the current plastic waste crisis as much as possible, recycling and repairs are encouraged. Here are three methods plastic repair specialists may use.

1. Welding

Some plastic pieces can be fixed with welding; this is the case when two or more pieces of plastic need to be joined together. This welding may be accomplished through friction, where a small sliver of plastic rotating at a high speed is pressed against the pieces or plastic ends that need to be combined, and the resulting friction causes the two sections or ends to melt and meld together. Directly applied heat may also be used for plastic welding repairs. Plastic welding is best done by professionals to avoid further damage. 

2. Acetone

If the damaged plastic is an ABS plastic acetone can be used. Acetone possesses the capability of melting ABS plastic, allowing the smoothing of marred plastic surfaces as well as the bonding together of two edges. ABS melted by acetone may also be poured into notches or pits to fill out surface flaws.

3. Water

Water is a more accessible and easier to use tool for fixing plastic items like action figures. Plastic can be made malleable by soaking it in hot water. It can be smoothed or shaped, then placed in cold water to reset.

Tons of plastic is heaped in our landfills. It clogs our oceans. It strangles the life from ecosystems. Don’t add to this unnecessarily. Hire a professional the next time one of your plastic items breaks instead of trashing it.