Every teacher wants students to actively participate in learning activities. Student activity in lessons is a form of enthusiasm and enthusiasm for learning. In addition, students who are active in the classroom can be used as an indicator that they are ready to take part in learning.
Students who are active in class are students who actively participate in learning, willing to give their opinions, provide answers when asked, and also dare to ask questions when experiencing problems in learning. Not those who only actively talk or act so that the class becomes noisy. What is meant by active learning? Active learning is learning that uses accurate methods or ways to get all students involved in the learning process such as asking, paying attention, answering questions, doing assignments from the teacher, and giving opinions in discussions.
To provoke students to be active and involved in learning, special strategies, methods, and methods are needed as below:
1. More practice, not just theory
Learning activities in the classroom that Smart Teachers can apply to increase student activity are by doing many practical activities. Direct practice or making certain projects is one example of active learning. When students only hear Smart Teachers deliver material using the lecture method, students will feel bored or even sleepy. If doing direct practice, students are required to always be active in asking questions, active in finding various sources or references so that their practice is successful. In activities that involve students directly such as will make even quiet and shy students be moved to be more active than before.
2. Using the jigsaw learning model
One of the learning models that Smart Teachers can apply to increase student activity in learning in the classroom is the Jigsaw learning model. What is the Jigsaw learning model? Jigsaw is a learning model that makes students have to discuss with their friends in small groups. Each small group will discuss the same theme. After understanding the theme of the group, the Teacher will form a new small group consisting of representatives from the previous small groups.
3. Giving appreciation or reward
This is also included in the personalised plans of learning development of our students, Every student wants to get appreciation and recognition either from the Smart Teacher or from the surrounding environment. How to make students active in class that Smart Teachers can do is to give appreciation or rewards to students. Smart teachers can make this a stimulus for all students to be actively involved in learning in class. This will motivate students to do their best, including being active and contributing to a dynamic class. The form of appreciation or reward does not have to be in the form of objects. Smart teachers can give constructive praise or give rewards in the form of points where students with a certain number of points can have privileges such as being class leaders or being student of the month.
4. Group discussion
Another way of active learning that Smart Teachers can apply is group discussion. In groups, Smart Teachers can make rules that require all members to be active in discussions. No one dominates and no one just passively listens. Appoint a group leader who is able to turn the discussion on and control its members so that the discussion can run in a conducive manner. Discussion has several benefits in learning. In addition to increasing student activity, discussions will train students in critical thinking and also build self-confidence.
5. Asking HOTS questions
The last way of active student learning is to always ask questions that require high order thinking skills. Closed questions that only confirm memorization will not challenge students. With HOTS questions, students are required to think critically and creatively. Thus students will be trained to reason as well as think critically in solving the problems they face.